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Frances McCullar
Frances McCullar passed on January 2, 2017. Her service will be held on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at Elgin Assembly of God. You can see her obituary and get information at
Great 2010 Reunion!
We had a great reunion at new location. This year we met at the Apache Community Building on Main Street. It was air-conditioned and inexpensive (the rent included kitchen priveleges)…two things we really appreciated. There were many new faces this year and we missed many who couldn’t make it. There was a loss shortly aftward as…
2016 Reunion
The third Thursday in May is the 21st! Check back for reunion updates because unless noted otherwise, it will be this date and at the Elgin Cafeteria as the past two years.
Reunion 2010 is on!
Well, a meeting of the minds (not sure which ones) has taken place and the 2010 Seymour Reunion is on again! As in the past, it’s the third Saturday in May which this year falls on May 15, 2010. A couple of things are under consideration: The location has changed from the Apache Fairgrounds to…
2013 Reunion is this weekend!
The 2013 reunion is on and it’s this weekend on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at the Apache Community Center on Main Street. Sherry has been organizing everything since Barbara isn’t.
2015 Reunion is May 16, 2015!
Same place as last year! Third Saturday in May, as usual, as ALWAYS! May 16, 2015. It will be held in Elgin, OK at the Elgin Grade School Cafeteria. HWY 17 begins on Elgin Main Street, due east to Sterling. If you go east and see the schools on the highway there will be signs…